

使用每个门的直接邮件® (EDDM®) services to promote your small business in your local community. 如果你在打折, 打开一个新位置, 或者提供优惠券, EDDM可以帮你寄明信片, 菜单, 把传单发给合适的客户. 使用EDDM在线工具绘制邮政编码 and neighborhoods—even filter by age, income, or household size1 使用U.S. 人口普查数据.


EDDM映射 & 邮件

Watch the Advertise with EDDM video for a quick overview of how you may use the EDDM在线工具 to plan your mailing, 绘制你的路线, 让美国邮政署送货上门.

The EDDM在线工具 is easy to use and postage discounts are available for most businesses. EDDM用户指南 PDF (5.1 MB) | RTF (127kb)

价格- 美国邮政总局营销邮件单位高达3.3 oz

EDDM flyers, postcards, and other flats are considered 美国邮政总局 Marketing 邮件® 产品.

  • EDDM零售® 美国邮政总局营销单位目前$0.203 /件
  • 美国邮政营销邮件单位目前$0.202 /件


Based on your unique business needs, either create an EDDM mailing yourself or 得到帮助 与邮件设计的任何部分, 印刷, 准备, 以及使用美国邮政总局附属供应商的投递流程2 或者找一个本地打印机 美国邮政总局打印机目录.


See the two ways you can create your own EDDM mailings and get them to The Postal Service® 送货:使用每户直销邮件-零售® (EDDM零售) or enter an EDDM bulk mailing at a 业务 邮件 Entry Unit (BMEU).


  • Great for small businesses, restaurants, realtors, and local political campaigns
  • 使用美国邮政总局.com帐户
  • 每个邮政编码每天发送至少200件,最多5000件
  • 把你的EDDM邮件送到邮局
  • 不需要特别邮寄许可证
  • 在网上或邮局付款


  • 最适合大容量邮件
  • Use a 企业客户网关 account to prepare and enter a bulk mailing
  • 没有体积限制的邮寄大小,多个邮政编码 可以选择
  • Drop off mailings at a large 美国邮政总局 mail processing center (BMEU)
  • 用大量邮寄许可证付款


如果您要发送大量邮件,请参阅我们的PostalPro 如何创建和准备一个业务资源 EDDM BMEU邮寄.

If you're ready to send an EDDM零售 mailing, see the step-by-step process below.



1. 创建或使用现有的美国邮政总局.com帐户

当地的 businesses and individuals can create an 每户直销函件-Retail® (EDDM零售®)使用美国邮政总局在线邮寄.com帐户. 使用EDDM零售, you are required to send at least 200 mailpieces but are allowed up to 5,每个邮政编码每天有000封邮件.

2. 选择的社区 & 观众

Choose the neighborhoods in the EDDM在线工具 where your customers live. Use the tool to target customers by specific demographics such as age, household size, and income.


  1. 搜索完整的地址、城市/州或邮政编码.
  2. 点击 显示表 查看附近路线的详细信息.
  3. Narrow and filter your targeted audience using the categories at the top: Route, 住宅, 总计, 年龄, 大小, 收入, 和成本.
  4. 选择您想要使用的最后一个邻域. 您可以为一次邮寄选择多条路线.
  5. Review your selections under your Order Summary then save or continue on in the process.


查看EDDM用户指南 PDF (5.1 MB) | RTF (127kb)

3. 设计 & 打印邮件

Follow direct mail design best practices to create effective EDDM advertising pieces. 发送 actionable mail with a clear offer and call to action will help generate customer responses.


Use the 邮件piece 大小 Checker, located at the top right of the EDDM在线工具, to make sure your flyer or postcard meets the requirements for marketing mail.

For detailed size criteria and measurements for EDDM mailpieces, see 单位的物理标准.

格式化地址 & 邮资

邮件pieces are simply addressed to "Postal Customer" and your mail will be delivered to every address on your selected routes.


使用EDDM零售索引, which is a postage payment mark that takes the place of a regular postage stamp or meter stamp.

  • Every EDDM mailpiece must include the EDDM零售印度 above and to the right of the address block.
  • The EDDM零售印度 does not have a specific size requirement but must be larger than 0.5" x 0.5".
  • 字体必须全部大写,字号至少为4号.
  • 它应该适合面积1.距右边缘625英寸,1.375"的顶部边缘.
  • 在顶部和右边缘留出1/8”的空间.

下载一个现成的 EDDM零售印度.


If you need assistance with properly formatting your mailpiece indicia or need access to a printer, online direct mail specialists and local printers can help you get the job done.



4. 选择还车日期 & 付款方式

选择您的交付日期和付款方式. The EDDM用户指南 explains the specific drop-off steps and options available.

EDDM用户指南 PDF (5.1 MB) | RTF (127kb)


  1. 用信用卡/借记卡付款.
  2. 您的订单文件包括付款收据的证明.
  3. Present your receipt when you deliver your mailing to the Post Office.


  1. 您的订单文件将显示订单未付款.
  2. 包括付款收据证明.
  3. When you deliver your mailing to the Post Office, you can pay by cash, credit/debit card, or check.


EDDM零售退款 可在网上或邮局索取, depending on how you paid for the order and whether you have already dropped your mailing off.

5. 打印表格 & 准备邮寄包

On the Order Confirmation screen, you'll view and print all necessary Postal Service processing forms and the right EDDM facing slip to attach to your mailing bundles.

  • 把你的邮件捆成50-100件一叠.
  • 捆数不得超过6英寸.
  • Fill out and attach an EDDM facing slip to the top of every bundle.
  • 把包里的件数写在卡片上.


If a customer has contacted you and asked to be removed from your mailing list, include the customer's address in the "Do Not Deliver Address" column on the facing slip.

6. 放下或运送您的邮件

Take or send your mailing to the Post Office locations that will deliver to your selected EDDM routes. Choose to either drop off your mailing or ship it to a Post Office location if that's easier.


The Order Summary in the EDDM在线工具 will show your payment and specific Post Office drop-off location.

  1. 收集你的邮寄包与适当的面纸.
  2. 包括一个完整的每个门直接邮件(EDDM)零售® 表格PS表格3587 PDF (19kb). Note: Be sure to fill in the carrier route information on the back.
  3. 将邮件送到您所选择的邮政编码的邮局.


如果你想要你的EDDM邮件发送到一个遥远的邮政编码,以“优先邮递”方式发送邮件® 向邮政局长提供社区路线的十大网堵平台.

  1. Place your mailing bundles with attached facing slips in a box. 订购美国邮政运输箱
  2. 将信封放入盒子内,信封内须载有下列资料:
    • 样本mailpiece
    • 如果你还没有在网上付款, include a check or money order payable to "Postmaster" or "Postal Service" for the amount of postage for your mailing. Include your telephone number on the front of the check, in the Memo section.
    • 每户直销邮件(EDDM)零售® 表格PS表格3587 PDF (19kb)
    • 邮政局长指示信 PDF (23kb)
  3. Address your boxes to "Postmaster" at the Post Office you're shipping to.
    市,st 22222
  4. Write "每户直销函件–Retail" and "Open Immediately" on each box.
  5. 给箱子贴上标签并编号. For multiple boxes, number them as "1 of X", with "X" being the total number of boxes. 例如:“5个中的1个”、“5个中的2个”等等.



参考EDDM表格 & 指南

Download and print the forms you need for your EDDM mailings to be delivered successfully.


EDDM零售特定表单 & pdf文档

有关EDDM BMEU表格,请浏览我们的大量邮件资源 PostalPro.


EDDM零售退款 可在网上或邮局索取, depending on how you placed the order and whether you have dropped your mailing off.


如果您仍有网投十大娱乐平台EDDM邮件的具体问题, 十大网堵平台EDDM零售十大网堵平台客户支持团队.


1. Data, including age range and average household income and size, is based on prior report of the U.S. 人口普查局. 回来^ 1 .法律免责声明
2. 美国邮政总局 assumes no liability for the results of any contact with any company listed. 私人供应商可能会收取非usps费用. 回来^ 法律免责声明2

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